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If I Seek A Restraining Order Will The Abuser Go To Jail?

If I Seek A Restraining Order Will The Abuser Go To Jail?

No. A restraining order is a civil — not criminal — action. It legally bars the abuser from coming near you. Its aim is to help prevent future domestic violence; to help keep you and your children from getting hurt. As long as your abuser does not violate the order or face any criminal charges, he or she will not be arrested.

However, the judge may order the abuser to attend counseling sessions or anger management classes. In granting the restraining order, the judge also could – if he or she feels it would help the situation – require you to get counseling as well. For example, the judge may decide that “empowerment” classes, such as those offered in Kootenai County, may help boost your self-esteem.